High Protein, High Fiber, Healthy Ranch Carb Pasta Salad

A feel good because I feel full pasta salad. I've been on a life altering food and fitness journey. Ironically getting in shape has not only helped me see how I approach getting physically stronger, it's also been teaching me how I approach my Christian life. Starting out was frustrating. My fitness progress felt slow. It was so slow I doubted I'd ever see any results. There were lots of times I was tempted to give up. And I was frustrated that some people were training for marathons while my body was sore after walking for 20 minutes! 

I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong. I was following expert advice but I couldn't see results. That's when I learned something. Changes happen internally first and then work their way to the outside. Muscles get stronger faster than ligaments and tendons, they also retain water as they repair. The number on the scale is only one indicator of progress. Slowly months of eating right and regular exercise visually showed. My clothes began fitting better, people noticed my leaner, toned body and I was getting more knowledgeable about how my eating and exercise was affecting my life. 

Getting fit was the conduit that God used to help me get spiritually stronger too. A fulfilling Christian life requires internal changes that occur by: praying, reading the Bible and hearing God's word from preachers. It also requires a living breathing faith that is exercised with Jesus. The growth takes time and effort. It starts with faith but it develops into something established by your experiences with God. Allow the changes to be made by God and let your life unfold in His time.

He makes all things beautiful in His time. 


Serves 2
407 cals | 10 F | 45.4 C | 12.4 F | 38 P | 5.5 S  

6.4 ounces Albacore Tuna in Water 
1/2 cup cooked, shelled edamame (75 grams)
1/4 cup shredded carrots (2 ounces)
3 scallions, divided (30 grams)
1/4 cup slaw mix (2 ounces)
102 grams Barilla chickpea pasta (2 servings)
4 tbs nonfat greek yogurt (70 grams)
1 tbs olive oil mayonnaise (13 grams)
1 tsp ranch dip and seasoning 
2 tbs unsweetened almond milk 

Bring a pot to boil and cook the pasta according to your taste. Meanwhile, thinly slice the scallions, dividing the whites from the greens. In a medium sized bowl add the edamame, carrots, slaw mix, greek yogurt, mayo, ranch and milk. Stir to combine. Add the pasta and tuna, combine. Chill. Keeps in the refrigerator for at least 3 days.


  • I use Starkist Albacore Tuna packets for 2. They don't require draining. 
  • You can use any shredded or chopped veggies you want here and you can also "bulk this up" by doubling the veggies. This will give you more fiber and make you feel even fuller without adding tons of extra calories.  
  • For convenience I used slaw and pre-shredded veggies but you can hand chop these. 
