Hogs & Tupperware

Smokey paprika and charred cumin drifted from the conference room and floated around her. The luncheon fare smelled delicious. Soon it was a little after 2:00 p.m. and the conference room was beginning to show signs of scavengers. Up she ran with her Tupperware and quickly delved into the saucy pulled pork, the meaty brisket and crusty dry rubbed chicken.

"This is going to be dinner tonight!" She jubilantly exclaimed.

"You bring Tupperware to work?" Amy said with a sarcastic bend.

"I sure do! I was going to order take out tonight...nothing like a little free food. On some days this job is totally worth it." She declared a bit too excitedly. After all, it was leftover lunch food but still...it was BBQ from HogWild, a place she was dying to try.

Noah slowly walked in, gracefully ladled out a small scoopful of pulled pork and sat down.

"Hi Jules." He said under his breath.

"Hey Noe. Okay, I gotta run."

The gooey goodness overtook her at her desk. Yet, it wasn't what she had imagined. She liked her pulled pork lean but saucy. This was fatty but dry. The collards were coarse tasting.  The scent had been tantalizing and held the promise of something tasty. It promised hog heaven. Oh well.

The instant message blinked. It was Noe. She thought he was a bit weird to her in the conference room but then again, she was used to thinking a bad mood was her fault.

"How was your weekend?" The conversation began. They continued by discussing the weekend. His was wild and hers was filled with brunches, antiquing and endless amounts of dinners etc. Yet, Noe and her had some odd connection. It was as if their own moral codes bonded them without either having mentioned it.

They began to discuss her Tupperware, her love of all things food related and of course, her inadequacy.

"I think I'm a little old-fashioned. I don't think people like old-fashioned anymore." She wrote.

"Who knows what people like? Times have definitely changed...but I feel you. I don't fit in either but we have to change with the times or be left behind." He responded.

That's a depressing thought. She breathed out. Some things you just can't change about yourself, no matter how many norms around you do. She wanted to type what she was thinking but she didn't. It would scream "No! I'm not going to change! Oh no I won't!!

Instead she wrote, "I don't know what you're talking about. Everyone loves you."

"Girls play too many games. They don't realize they can be hurtful."

"Well, you definitely have to avoid the unsure ones. They can hurt without even trying to. Some girls are dangerous."

"Are you saying that you're dangerous?"

"Goodness no! I've tried hard not to be a heart breaker but rather a heart keeper."

"I feel better knowing that at least there's one person who feels that way". He responded.

"There's more. I'm sure of it. Not only that but so many girls have mentioned to me what a great guy you are."

"Thanks. That means a lot."

Eventually, she locked her computer and headed for home. She arrived home, closed the door to her room and gave herself time to think. How quickly things change. One minute she felt she was on a deserted island. In the next minute she realized she wasn't the only one on it. One conversation changed deserted to inhabited. Who knew Tupperware and left over BBQ could lead to such a discovery? With that final thought she picked up the phone and called a different friend. This time to find out about her date.
